Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Too much rain, too much boredom

My first ever blog.  The reason I'm starting now is out of boredom.  We have had  5 days of heavy rain and other than feeding the horses 3 times a day, I've been confined to the house.  That is both good and bad.  Good, because my wife Annette has been cooking non-stop for 5 days, and she is a fantastic cook.  Bad because I've been eating cookies and candy, duck and pork loin, and drinking more than my share of wine.  The result is I know I've gained at least 10 pounds.  I love being outdoors and working on our small ranch, either building something new or just cleaning up the place with my tractor, but with this rain, it's been 5 days of weight gain.

I have been busy with Flash though.  He sustained soft tissue damage on his lower jaw from either hitting his head on something or being kicked.  I ruled out being kicked because he is the herd boss and the other horses and the miniature donkeys stay out of his way.  Bottom line is that it started oozing like an abscess.  Went to the vet, had it opened up and drained, cleaned, and came back home.   It looks better now and hopefully in two weeks it should be all healed.  The 100 mile round trip to the vet in the pouring rain and 60 mph winds, with mud slides and rocks, made for a long day pulling a 30' trailer.  Flash was good though.  He viewed it as an adventure.  He was excited to come out of his stall and wanted to know where we were going.  I told him, "the vet's to get you cleaned up and your jaw fixed".  Yes, I do talk to my horse and I swear he understands me.  He walked out into the rain happily, saw the trailer, and couldn't wait to get in.  I closed the door and he nickered, "Dad, let's go".  I know he thought he was going to do some kind of mounted deployment in the rain, crowd control or sensory games.  He was a little disappointed when we got to the hospital and saw and smelled sick horses.  Three hours later we were out of there and on our way back home.  When we pulled into the property, his buddies all started to ask him, "boss, where did you go?"  Flash being Flash just looked at them and said, "for a ride with Dad".

Anyway, the real boss, (Annette), says it's time to feed and that I have written enough compost for the day.  Time to muck in the rain, then eat another fattening dinner.  Oh lordy.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. It will be interesting to have both perspectives on the goings on at Aspen Meadows. By the way, I talk to my horses too, and I swear they understand me. Wish I could get my hubby to do dressage. He doesn't seem all that interested although his horse, Baythoven, is awesome at it.

  2. Husband and wife blogging--that's a new concept. Annette sure sounds like an awesome cook--duck and pork loin, cookies and candy--I must be hungry because that what stands about most to me in your post. LOL.

  3. Love your banner picture. My husband and I both do dressage too, which I sometimes blog about.
    Too much food and wine - does it get any better? I'm sure you'll work it off when the rain clears :)

  4. Your header shot is fabulous! I love the title of your blog...and enjoyed what you had to say! Nice job. Don't give up on the dressage part of is the best foundation you could ask for no matter what you are doing with your horse.
    Glad you and he were able to get to the Vet in spite of the horrific weather you have been having out there.

    Keep up the good work!
